Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Gator Week

I know I said I would write about why Parks and Recreation is the best show on television, but I fear I may have been living a lie. You see, season one of Swamp People is now on instant Netflix. My life has been changed.

First, I should inform you that I do not have a television in Minneapolis, so if it's not on Hulu, it takes me a while. Also, I am a TV purist (read: obnoxious), so I can only start shows from the beginning. If I try to start in the middle of a season, my brain explodes. Cannot compute. I need character backstories, no matter how irrelevant.

Second, it should be noted that I am way more into television than I am film. I like getting emotionally invested in plots and subplots that last for months and then leave you hanging. I will tell you that I hate it, but almost never believe me. Because I love TV, I also love recommending/forcing people to love shows. Many of my friends have learned to trust my studied recommendations, but normally I have to hook my parents by just turning the show on. It's like fishing (I'd assume); set the bait and wait for a catch/laugh. Right? That's like fishing.


Oh my word. Swamp People has taken Deadliest Catch's place in my heart as number one show about hunting-water-based-animals, a very specific, competitive category. Thank goodness I don't have to include Shark Week in there, because I wouldn't know what to do with myself! For those of you who don't know what the show is, it's about essentially a small group of Cajun men in the Louisiana bayou who hunt alligators during their hunting season. One also has a gator/turtle farm.

This is his story.

Yeah. He never wears a shirt. Also, he has a precious and mildly creepy dog that eats zebra cakes and licks alligator eye's right after they're killed. WEIRD but INTRIGUING. I love dogs.

This is HIS story.

Basically, like most other shows of this nature, the episodes follow similar plot lines. Challenges. Gators. ONE BIG NICKNAMED GATOR. Gotta catch 'em all! Someone succeeds, someone fails. Close on one of the guys talking about the importance of family and tradition and getting all the fat off of the gator meat. Classic television formula.

To close: I highly recommend this. I sat in my bed and watched hours of it. You could easily watch it with friends, if you're committed enough to put pants on, as I rarely am after 9 PM. Lastly, it's Roy family approved. I shall exhibit proof now.

Normal father-daughter conversations/PROOF

With that, I bid you a good night. Also, look at me go! Posting on here and everything.

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