Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Let's Get Real

Job hunting is the worst. Job hunting in a good economy sucks (probably? wouldn't know) and job hunting in a poor economy is... worse than sucks. I'm not even a real person yet! I just want a food service job! Yes, yes, I am lucky to have hardware store job back, but I need more hours so I can "save" and still "have fun".

Speaking of hardware store job, first day back is tomorrow. Not too worried, except that I have to be there at 7:50. AM. As you may or may not know, it's very important to know how much I am NOT a morning person. I can't even pretend to be a morning person. The closest to liking the morning I come is when I stay up all night talking with friends and then we watch the sunrise. Even then, though, I note how bright the sun is, and how abrasive it is to my eyes. I may be part vampire.

Speaking of vampires, am I on fire with these transitions or what?! Damn it, lost that train of thought due to self-pride. I was probably going to talk about True Blood. Oh, well. It's probably best I don't, anyway, because that's of course coming up in my TV series of blogs (or blog series of TV?), and we can't spoil that. Because it actually exists, I promise. I will not be exiting the home for the next few evenings due to exhaustion from work and subsequent hatred of the world, so I'll be working on that.

This is mostly an entry to show hey! I'm alive! Don't think I'm on suicide watch based on my last entry! Sorry about that! Exclamation!!!

Here's a gift. It is relevant to my life because I hate working out, but have been doing it a lot anyway.

P.S. If you're in this Midwest heat wave, let's pray for each other that we don't melt. 20 Hail Marys GO


  1. you know what is better than job hunting? a hunting job. I think you should look into that, there is a severe need for more fur trappers in the Midwest. You could sell fur mantels alongside jerky, call it farm to table to shoulders. mpls will go apeshit.

  2. 1.) Job hunting is the worst! I've had such a hard time finding a job. :(
    2.) I hear ya on the part-vampire thing. The sun scares me a bit. heh
    2.) I'm in Missouri and I melt every time I go outside. Not a good time for makeup.

    xox Courtney Michele
    Breakfast in Wonderland
