Sunday, April 10, 2011

Movies You've Already Seen Vol. 1: Romance

Now, I was raised in a household where unless it was imperative that a movie be seen on the big screen, we followed a "wait for DVD" policy. (Read: poor.) I vividly remember making cases for various films in order to be allowed to see them in theaters. Some winners: Toy Story 2, Spiderman, all Lord of the Rings films.

Based on this principle and my current college-induced state of poverty, I rarely make it to the movie theater. Thus presents the first installment of "Movies You've Already Seen" where I share my deepest thoughts on movies that you have probably already seen, but I just got around to watching. Completely on accident, volume one has a romantic theme. Don't puke yet.

Love and Other Drugs (2010):
No. Just... no. I am not difficult to please in the RomCom/RomDram genre. I have willingly watched When in Rome as well as the classic Harry Connick Jr. work in New in Town. The latter, I watched twice. When my reaction to a film is simply "no," I can't imagine what someone who actually cares would think about it. Following the classic "banging-turns-to-love" plot and adding a chronic disease twist, Love and Other Drugs manages to fit into bad romance stereotypes while giving none of the perks. It tries to be deep, and fails. Anne Hathaway cries too much, and I don't like her face.

Blue Valentine (2010):
This film was really, really great. Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams portray a couple falling in and out of love with almost startling realism. Don't watch the whole film if you want to feel...happy, though. I'm not kidding about the startling realism. If you do want happiness, just watch this clip.

P.S. I Love You (2007):
Due to extreme emotional reactions, I will never watch this movie with another human. I learned this trying to watch it on a Megabus from Minneapolis to Milwaukee and silently bawling for two hours. (The girl next to me had a fun ride. Sorry, girl.) On a related note, let's never talk about it.

When Harry Met Sally (1989):
Yes, I did just see this for the first time two nights ago. I know I'm a terrible RomCom fan, sue me. All I want to know after seeing this film is how many women used it to mess with their guy friends. Seriously, someone reading this, DO IT. "Hey, I have a movie for us to watch! It really speaks to me." And then just stare. No flirty crap, just turn on the movie and deadpan stare. If you don't break character, this would be hilarious. Unrelated thought: I can't hear Billy Crystal's voice without seeing him as the old hobgoblin guy in The Princess Bride. As you can imagine (or at least will after reading this), picturing ol' Billy the Hobgolbin hooking up with Meg Ryan was a horrible, horrible image.

That's all for Vol. 1. I welcome your opinions on these films and suggestions for my next genre and leave you with this gem:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the lovely comment Alicia! I feel the same way about Billy Crystal and When Harry Met Sally. I hadn't seen the movie until last year and all I could picture was his character from Princess Bride...its pretty much like that for all of his movies now.
