Monday, March 28, 2011

In the beginning...

Hello, internet. Welcome to my brand new precious baby blog.

I will start with a policy of full disclosure: this blog is purely self-indulgent, a method for me to get my thoughts out of my head that probably don't even need to be shared. I have always been more comfortable with writing things down than verbalizing them (little known fact). This does not mean that I am more eloquent in writing. Far from it, actually. I have the tendency to write exactly how I talk.

So, like I said, this is a self-indulgent experiment that others may or may not choose to read and partake in along with me.

A brief introduction.
I am a college student in Minneapolis, MN, studying American history and hoping to go to grad/law school to pursue a career in education reform, probably in a political forum. I like:

  • Adventures, interpreted almost any way. I include road trips, country night drives, concerts, late night grocery runs, anything. It sounds cheesy, but I feel like if you do something with an adventure in mind, you can't go wrong.
  • Conversation
  • Music, especially Americana
  • America (not sarcastic)
  • "Everybody and television!" -Kenneth from 30 Rock
I also like other things, but that I'm sure will come up.

Anyway. I'm going into this whole blog thing with no real direction, because I feel like that will figure itself out in no time. I have a lot of thoughts and feelings; we'll just see which ones come out on top.

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